Moira Cullen
Founding Partner
Born and raised in Alexandria, VA, Moira developed her love of the political process early in life. Upon graduation from the University of Virginia, she moved to Denver in search of a great adventure in the West. After working as counselor with adolescents in a residential treatment center, she received her Masters of Social Work at Colorado State University and decided to pursue a career in public policy and advocacy, merging her love of the political process with her passion to advocate on issues affecting at-risk kids. She began her lobbying career at the Colorado Children’s Campaign where she lobbied on child health, K-12 education, youth violence prevention, and early childhood education. Moira then served as the legislative liaison for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment before founding, with her two partners, The Capstone Group. Moira has worked on legislation to create concurrent enrollment , free full day kindergarten and Colorado’s universal preschool program. She has successfully fought for ensuring quality public school options for all families and advocated for the first update in 30 years to the public school funding formula which significantly increases funding for Colorado schools, particularly to schools serving students living in poverty, students who are learning English, and students with special learning needs. She has worked to increase funding to Colorado’s community colleges, improve students’ transfer of credits among higher education institutions and create better opportunities for workplace learning for high school and college aged students. Moira was the founding State Director for Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) Colorado, served on the DFER Colorado Advisory Committee and was a member of the Investment Advisory Committee of the Girl Rising Global Education Fund. For nine years, Moira served on the board of Strive Prep charter school network, including 3 years as Board Chair, where she loved being a part of an 11-school community that is breaking down barriers and providing high quality, rigorous education for primarily low-income students of color.